htmlVideoLoader() not using html5 in IE 11

Confirmed or possible bug reports and workarounds

htmlVideoLoader() not using html5 in IE 11

Postby Kataleena » Thu Oct 12, 2017 6:19 am

This is in relation to my post last week, where my client was getting the following error when they were playing a mp4 using htmlVideoLoader()
Video error.JPG
Video error.JPG (15.12 KiB) Viewed 7921 times

I have been able replicated the same error by turning of Shockwave Flash Object in IE 11.

I'm using htmlVideoLoader(), its set to allowFlashFallback "auto".

It seems that I cant get IE to play using html 5.

Works fine in chrome with flash turn off or on.
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Re: htmlVideoLoader() not using html5 in IE 11

Postby Clifton » Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:56 am

I cannot seem to reproduces these errors using a single page tbk with htmlVideoLoader() and an mp4 file.
Can you provide a non-working sample?
If the client server is not serving mp4 as a stream, then errors like this could occur.
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Re: htmlVideoLoader() not using html5 in IE 11

Postby Kataleena » Sun Oct 15, 2017 5:23 am

Hi Clifton,

I used the server function and it works correctly in IE but when I try and play the video on my dev environment which uses IIS 7, the get the error explained in my first post.

So when my course is playing from the IIS 7 server, IE is trying to play using flash even when Shockwave Flash Object in IE 11 is disabled.

I tried changing set allowFlashFallback "false", however on the IIS 7 server I no longer get the error message but the video just tries to load with no success.

The problem seems to be the same as the 'PGSoundLoader() not working in IE11' post I submitted, it only happens on the IIS 7 server.
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Re: htmlVideoLoader() not using html5 in IE 11

Postby Clifton » Sun Oct 15, 2017 7:20 am

Frankly, I'm not sure this is a "bug report."

However, you should check the IIS 7 server mime types. If your web page is requesting a mp3 or mp4 file and the server mime types are not setup to deliver them as media streams, then the behavior you have described would occur.

I don't use IIS 7 server in a development environment ... I prefer XAMPP which uses an apache server. Anyway, I would check the mime types that the IIS server is configured for. Plus, IIS may not be handling Flash in the way you are expected, though I'm not sure about this either.

Found these souces regarding IIS 7 and Flash content:
and this one ...
Of course, try googling mime types and IIS 7 and mp4 files as well and you will find some nice recommendations.
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Re: htmlVideoLoader() not using html5 in IE 11

Postby Kataleena » Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:40 am

I apologise for putting it under "bug report" but the last time I published this courses, using Power pac JAVASCRIPT POWERPAC VERSION: 12.916.5 it worked correctly in IE on my dev server, my clients dev server and Prod server and is still working using the same htmlVideoLoader() code. I didn't know where else to put it.

Thank you for links, I'm looking into them now.

Also I should've mentioned I'm using mp4 and have mime types set in the webconfig.
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Re: htmlVideoLoader() not using html5 in IE 11

Postby Clifton » Mon Oct 16, 2017 6:17 am

Please report back on your findings with the server.
Main change between PowerPac v12 and v14 for most functions is their ability to handle objects not in the ToolBook frame name space and to provide more complete support for calling these functions from XML files. The video and audio player used is the same in either case.
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