PowerPac v14

Confirmed or possible bug reports and workarounds

PowerPac v14

Postby Clifton » Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:02 pm

All are encouraged to upgrade to PowerPac v15 for more features and fixes.
July 22, 2017 and last updated August 26, 2018
Minimum recommended version is v14.036.0. Please update versions 14.031+ IMMEDIATELY!

Production Release of v14.0
Download v14.143.2

Detailed list of changes, enhancements and bug fixes from v13 beta through v14.0x:
  1. A built in local web server that can be used to immediately view exported content as though it were running from a web server. When a PowerPac-enabled export completes, you will notice the Web Server check box. Ticking the box will start the server. Any web browser in the list that you open once the server is running will automatically run the content from this server. This saves time uploading content to web servers (local or otherwise) when verifying development features. All major browsers will be supported by the web server.
      Image 1.png
      Web Server Control
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      Image 2.png
      Web Server RUNNING
      Image 2.png (14.88 KiB) Viewed 49752 times

      Image 3.png
      Chrome viewing content from PowerPac Web Server
      Image 3.png (79.98 KiB) Viewed 49752 times

      Image 1.png
      As of v13.11 we've added MS EDGE Support in the Preview Dialog.
      Image 1.png (12.71 KiB) Viewed 49723 times
  2. Improved meta tag support for mobile device running ToolBook exported content.
  3. Usability improvements and performance enhancements.
  4. A broader ranger of browsers will be supported and for the most part the "unsupported browser" message will no longer exist.
  5. Greatly expanded XML support. Use many PowerPac functions with dynamically created objects in both the ToolBook frame and the main document window. Create functions that respond to clicks, triggers, and user events (with value support).
  6. Of course, known bug fixes will be applied. See below for current bug fixes.
    • Fixed userProperty() to prevent assigning a class name multiple times to the same object. If an action tries to set a class name that is already attached to the object, the function will ignore the setting.
    • Fixed some XML Parser bugs when encountering empty strings and JavaScript comments in CDATA sections.
  7. New parameters and improvements to createTopicAccordion().
  8. Improved error reporting for developers to diagnose XML file problems.
  9. MS Edge support for exported content run from hard drive from browser list in the Publish to Web export window.
  10. v13.017.3+ added XML support for all the following events via pgTBObjSet():
    user events, triggers, clicks, on load page, on unload page
    NOTE: ALL events are supported for use with parameters on the XML side so you can pass data to your events even when sending triggers, load and unload events, etc.
  11. (in process) Complete PDF User's Guide with over 170+ pages of printable documentation.
  12. v13.025.4+ Memory trim features have been ported to apply to non-PowerPac related functions that users define in their projects. These functions can hog memory and bring the authoring system to a halt.
  13. v13.026.5: Added new parameter to getHTMLContent() called removeTags and updated popup help dialog. Parameter when set to true will strip/remove all HTML markup code from queried content.
  14. v13.030+ PowerPac will intelligently remove .jar and .ser files from exports if these are not used by the exported package.
  15. V13.030.8 PowerPac scans for installed browsers and intelligently updates the supported browser list on the preview content page of the ToolBook Web Specialist. Here is a typical browser support list compiled from a ToolBook v9.01 PowerPac enabled export:
    web specialist.png
    ToolBook v9.01 Web Specialist
    web specialist.png (24.63 KiB) Viewed 49674 times
  16. v13.036.0 Improvements to how getPageNameLIst() works. The current page is automatically highlighted in the list when using hyperlinked page lists.
  17. v13.036.0 Bug fix for Parameter help dialog window placement.
  18. v13.051.5 Bug fix to DHTML Export Tree Manager that caused the folderlist to be copied to the main window application if double-clicked.
  19. v13.051.5 Added auto-update for beta channel.
  20. v13.051,5 Bug fix for field spacing when indents are set at author mode.
  21. v13.051.5 Bug fix to bootstrap.js when only IE selected as the supported browser.
  22. v13.051.5 Bug fix for XML <make> tags to support IE8 layering.
  23. v13.051.5 Added intelligent purging of .ser and .jar files if not needed by exported application.
  24. v13.051.7 Added improved code signing, though it is still self-signed.
  25. v13.051.7 Installer now attempts to set correct permissions for secure network installations.
  26. v13.060.4 Modified PowerPac engine so PowerPac.js files no longer have to be copied into the book folder for function support. Results in a much cleaner development environment.
  27. v13.060.4 Bug fix for a problem caused in a previous beta that broke the ability to store the PowerPac.js file in a common folder for multiple books.
  28. v13.060.4 Bug fix where button captions would sometimes disappear when setting webFonts.
  29. v13.060.6 PowerPac engine sets certain ToolBook dialog boxes not to hide when author mode is deactivated.
  30. v13.061.0 Added support for validateField() in XML <make type="input"> and <make type"textarea">
  31. v13.061.1 Bug fixes for XML <make> tag support in pgTBObjSet() and pgTBObjGet().
  32. v13.100.2 Added NEW menu item called Create/Edit file ... for accessing the NEW NotePad3 Editor.
  33. v13.100.2 Major Enhancement: PowerPac is now distributed with the open source NotePad3 Editor. Templates are included for most file types that may be included in DHTML exports.
  34. v13.100.2 Added condition whereby if Debug Mode is turned ON during export, the PowerPac will no longer purge the export of .ser and .jar files. It is not certain these files are needed in this mode, but it seems prudent to leave them in place during Debug Mode execution.
  35. v13.105.2 Bug fix to Trim Page Memory feature. This was broken in v13.060.0.
  36. v13.105.2 Moved file templates to a templates folder in the PowerPac installation tree.
  37. v13.105.2 Add commented templates for CSS and XML files to make creating these files easier.
  38. v13.105.2 Added Open File ... and Open Recent ... menus. Recent file history tracks the last 12 valid files that can be opened.
  39. v13.105.2 PowerPac's setHTMLTable() function now should work with top level XML <make> elements.
  40. v13.107.0 Added additional XML templates.
  41. v13.107.2 Bug fix to createDraggableObject() related to its use with XML make elements.
  42. v13.107.2 Enhanced createDraggableObject() to allow bounds to be a set of 4 integers in pixels defining a "x,y,width,height" area.
  43. v13.110.0 Minor bug fixes to setHTMLTable()
  44. v13.110.4 Modified XML templates and comments.
  45. v13.110.4 Added NEW XML supported attribute called delay to <config> sections. Set <config delay="[milliseconds]"> ... </config> to delay every command in the config section by [milliseconds]. This is most useful for secondary config sections (e.g.: <config2 delay="250"> ... </config2>). The delay value does not apply to stylesheet or javascript tags within the section; these are executed immediately.
  46. v13.112.0 Enhancements to setHTMLTable() to work with XML <make> objects and to improve object alignment (header/data containers).
  47. v13.112.0 More adjustments/comments in XML templates.
  48. v13.114.1 Added NEW menu item to clear recent files list.
  49. v13.114.1 PowerPac setCalendar() now works with XML <make> objects.
  50. v13.115.4 Added NEW parameter to setCalendar() called calSize. This allows dynamically changing the rendered size of the calendar from "tiny" to "huge".
  51. v13.118.1 PowerPac pgLoadFlashStream() now works with XML <make> objects.
  52. v13.119.1 PowerPac pgGetMousePosition() now works with XML <make> objects.
  53. v13.119.1 Added NEW parameter to pgGetMousePosition() called frameRef to enable developers to specify which document level the mouse monitor should report movement. Options are "tb" or "toolbook" or "top" or "both".
  54. v13.119.2 PowerPac randomizeObjPositions() now works with XML <make> objects.
  55. v13.121.4 Bug fixes to validateField() to better support alternate pattern masks.
  56. v13.121.4 PowerPac pgColorPicker() now works with XML <make> objects.
  57. v13.123.0 Bug fixes to pgTBObjSet() to better handle object position while detecting them as ToolBook groups or XML <make> objects.
  58. v13.124.0 PowerPac setWebFonts() now works with XML <make> objects.
  59. v13.125.0 PowerPac pgFormLoader() now works with XML <make> objects.
  60. v13.126.0 PowerPac pgFormData() now works with XML <make> objects.
  61. v13.140.3 PowerPac createStyledButton() now works with XML <make> objects.
  62. v13.140.3 PowerPac setStyledButtonState() now works with XML <make> objects.
  63. v13.140.3 PowerPac setStyledButtonCaption() now works with XML <make> objects.
  64. v13.150.0 Bug fixes and enhancements to PowerPac's memory optimizer. Reclaims more memory as hotword objects were being ignored during optimization.
  65. v13.160.1 REWRITE and EXTENSIVE ENHANCEMENT for pgAnimateCSS().
    • 2 new animations: Spin CW and Spin CCW to rotate objects around their centers. A total of 94 animations are included in the PowerPac libarary.
    • Each animated object can have its duration (per iteration or loop) and timing function (easing) modified, thus overriding the defaults set in the CSS3 library.
    • Better pre-initialization methods have been written into the function so initialization can done on load book without generating errors.
    • User events are now optional per animated object.
    • User events are now sent on each iteration or loop AND when the animation has completed.
  66. v13.180.4 :D NEW FEATURE! Page transitions can be performed on load page using pgAnimateCSS(). Just make sure to place this action as the FIRST action on UNLOAD page for each page that a transition is needed. VERY COOL!
  67. v13.186.8 Improvements to page transition feature.
  68. v13.186.8 Added better custom file support to pgAnimateCSS(). Initial state of objects and whether the function sends user events can be specifically controlled on a per animation basis.
  69. v13.186.8 FOUR NEW CSS3 ANIMATIONS added to pgAnimateCSS(). This give authors 98 CSS3 animations to choose from when designing pages.
    1. Vertical Blinds - Hide / Show
    2. Horizontal Blinds - Hide / Show
  70. v13.186.8 NEW FEATURE: Automatic page transitions. Select transitions from a list at ToolBook authoring mode. After exporting your book, these transitions will be used to navigate from page to page in your book.
  71. v13.199.1 :D Added Page Transition feature to the Export options of the PowerPac menu system. This streamlines selecting transitions at the ToolBook authoring level and requires no actions editing.
    Image 1.png
    Page Transitions option in Menu
    Image 1.png (22.69 KiB) Viewed 49574 times

    Page Transition menu item opens this configuration window . . .
    Image 3.png
    Page Transition Configuration Dialog
    Image 3.png (43.95 KiB) Viewed 49574 times
  72. v13.203.0 Bug fixes to pgTBObjSet() to fix broken ability to send certain events to page or background when keyword "page" or "background" or "current" was entered for tbObjName.
  73. v13.210.1 Enhanced all cookie-related functions to enable using legacy disk files (normal), or local (persistent) and session (temporary) storage of HTML5 browsers.
  74. v13.210.1 Enhanced getCommandlineParam() to be able to retrieve hashtags.
  75. v13.210.1 Bug fix to fix an issue with the ToolBook classes.js file whereby hashtags used on the commandline would be interpreted as javascript files. This caused the web server to generate a 404 "file not found" error during the loading of the content. Though not a serious problem, it created unnecessary server load. This problem affected ALL supported versions of ToolBook.
  76. v13.225.1 Enhanced userProperty() to permit toggling of class names on or off. A new supported parameter value, "toggle", can be set to trigger this feature.
  77. v13.225.1 Bug fixes to the XML parser engine to address some minor issues and some things that were broken in a previous beta release that modified the behavior of <config delay="[milliseconds]"> sections.
  78. v13.225.1 Bug fix to the page transition selection window whereby some objects were not reset. The only affected how the feature performed at author level and did not affect exported content in any way.
  79. v13.230.0 Bug fix to pgStyleObject() to better handle the "~" (tilde) separator for multiple definitions for a single style.
  80. v13.230.0 Updated PGSD_PowerPac_com_link.js file for the updated cookie functions which use local and session browser storage objects. Also updated getCommandlineParam() for retrieving hashtag(s).
  81. v13.300.0 Updated the PowerPac export engine to eliminate the need for the commandline parameter "dhtmlActivation=inplace". All other variations where the commandline pararmeter is required (e.g.: when using an html launch page) are still fully supported. Files modified by the export engine for this behavior are bootstrap.js and classes.js.
  82. v13.301.0 Added missing file ("dummy.gif") to ToolBook exports < v10.5 to prevent server 404 (file not found) errors during book loading.
  83. v13.400.0 Added cURL.exe to export file list to support GET and POST to web locations from the PowerPac server. Full support for this ability to arrive in a future beta release.
  84. v13.401.0 Enhanced pgAnimateCSS() to enable sending user events to other objects besides the one that is being animated.
  85. v13.404.3 Bug fix to pgAnimateCSS() to better handle nested groups.
  86. v13.404.3 Bug fix to validateField() to fix a (home/end) key problem caused in beta v13.060.x.
  87. v13.406.1 Enhanced XMLHttpRequest() with NEW parameter called cache. This enables you to turn off caching of specific XML documents for security reasons.
  88. v13.407.0 Bug fix to PowerPac's Dynamic Object Referencing Engine. It seems that if a user event was assign to both a page and its background object and the PowerPac attempted to reference these events, it would find one or the other, but not both. The result was that it seemed like one of the user event actions was broken when in fact everything was fine. Other events on page and background may exhibit the same behavior but they are more rare. At any rate, the PowerPac can locate these events no matter how they are duplicated.
  89. v13.408.0 Enhanced the XML Parsing Engine to be able to create functions as methods of DOM objects or as methods of ToolBook objects. When creating functions, you can use the new parameter called useTB and set it to true to have the XML Parsing Engine prefer appending to ToolBook's native event listeners.
  90. v13.411.0 Bug fixes and improvements to setModalReturnVal(). Function more flexibly determines the object which opened the subModal() window and allows the objectList parameter to be left empty for this purpose. The function will complete successfully under a much wider range of situations.
  91. v13.420.0 Bug fixes to cookie functions for local and session storage support. Bug fixes were also passed on to the PGSD_PowerPac_com_link.js file for popup window support.
  92. v13.420.1 Bug fix to subModal() where if a the close box was not shown and the user tried to drag the box around the page, the subModal box would continue to follow the mouse even after the user stopped dragging the box.
  93. v13.431.1 :P NEW EXPORT OPTION prevents your book from being exposed to navigation by using hashtags (e.g.: #p23 to go to page id 23).
      PP Menu 1_New.png
      PP Menu 1_New.png (45.65 KiB) Viewed 49513 times
  94. v13.431.1 Export Options menu has been re-ordered in a more logical way based on the relevance of the items and likelihood of their use.
  95. v13.436.0 XML Bug fixes which crept in to snapObjectToCenter().
  96. v13.436.0 Enhanced subModal() and pgGotoURL() to accept a query string when specifying a page from the current book as the URL target to display in the window. (e.g.: mypagename?val=1234)
  97. v13.436.1 Fixed setPageContentPosition() to work more seamlessly with pgAnimateCSS() when using the new page transition feature.
  98. v13.440.1 Additional enhancements to page loading to improve the page transition feature.
  99. v13.445.0 XML Parser Engine enhancement. Added support for immediate execution for XML defined functions whose event contains a load event.
  100. v13.445.1 Added pointerEvents to supported CSS properties for pgStyleObject().
  101. v13.450.1 Rewrite snapObjectToCenter(). Now supports groups as both source and target objects. Added 8 NEW snapping locations.
  102. v13.450.5 Enhancement to snapObjectToCenter() to add ability to set a comma-separated stack of alignment values. Thus, you can perform multiple alignments in one execution of this function.
  103. v13.450.5 Updated PowerPac Help API documents.
  104. v13.451.1 NEW MENU ITEM added to the Export Options menu. Choosing this item quickly selects (checks) the recommended default options.
  105. v13.460.1 Bug fixes to buildComboBoxOptionsList() and setComboBoxOption(). Among the fixes is that they now distinguish between setting a numeric string selection in a drop-down list versus setting an index as an integer.
  106. v13.460.1 NEW parameter added to buildComboBoxOptionsList() called autoRemoveTopItem. This directs the function to remove a top item directive on first access of the drop down list.
  107. v13.460.7 ADDED additional directive to the getOnly parameter of setComboBoxOption() called "all". This NEW supported directive will collect all the options in a comboBox and return them as an array or as a carriage-return separated text string.
  108. v13.460.7 Modified the folder renaming conventions used during export. Firefox folders are renamed as "fe"; Chrome folders are renamed as "cm"; and android folders are renamed as "dr". It is highly recommended that you begin using the folder renaming export option. The PowerPac selects the folder based on the client browser and is not restricted to only 2 or 3 browser detections.
    NOTE: HTML5 is now compatible with such a large array of browsers that it is really only necessary to export for just Firefox and/or Chrome.
  109. v13.461.0 Bug fix to snapObjectToCenter() to correct a fairly rare problem when aligning two complex groups of objects which also contain sub-groups.
  110. v13.462.1 Small enhancement to pgTBObjSet() to permit calling custom functions on groups from within XML defined scripts.
  111. v13.470.0 NEW FUNCTION called cancelNEXTPageTransition(). Running this function anywhere on the current page will cancel any page transition which would have played during the next page navigation. The function must be run on each page where its services are needed.
  112. v13.471.0 Bug fix to userProperty() to better support the html title property for showing tooltips on ToolBook buttons.
  113. v13.472.0 Enhanced XML Parsing Engine to handle mouseout and mouseover events as either HTML listening events OR as ToolBook object listener events so functions can be appended to a current list of mouseoff/mouseover actions.
  114. v13.472.2 Bug fix to snapObjectToCenter() to gracefully fail if either target or source objects cannot be located.
  115. v13.474.0 Bug fixes to createFoldingObj() to remove legacy code and fix failure to create a folding object on graphics or images.
  116. v13.475.0 Bug fixes to pgSoundLoader() and SoundManager2 Sound Engine to correct failure to reload and use controls on a new page when a sound is set to play through to a new page. Not all features of the controls were begin properly reinitialized. These problems were due to XML feature bugs which crept in from an earlier beta.
  117. v13.480.0 Updated Sound Manager 2 by Schillmania to version 20170601. Includes improvements which are designed for Microsoft Edge.
  118. v13.486.0 Enhanced and modified some of the page transition logic.
  119. v13.486.1 Bug fixes and code improvements to the NEW page transition feature. The bug fix involved failure to load an exported book when only a first-page transition was specified. All was fine if multiple page transitions were implemented.
  120. v13.488.3 Bug fixes and improvements to the XML Engine when parsing XML tags which refer directly to the page itself. Functions defined for the page itself were losing their reference to this.name when running functions.
  121. v13.489.0 Bug fix to userProperty() where toggling a classname on/off would fail if only one classname was assigned to the object.
  122. v13.493.2 Bug fix to pgGotoURL() and subModal() to prevent refreshing or loading new content from attaching itself to the browser history (back) button.
  123. v13.494.1 Added additional developer feedback in the XML Engine. This feedback is intended to catch misconfigurations of functions as applied to ToolBook groups and pages.
  124. v14.004.2 Updated Notepad3 Editor which is now included in the PowerPac distribution.
  125. v14.004.2 Post v14 release fixes to the auto-updater and a minor fix to pgArrayToString().
  126. v14.004.2 Dynamic Parameter Help updated.
  127. v14.010.0 Cosmetic fix to the dialog windows opened by subModal().
  128. v14.010.0 Post release bug fixes to createDraggableObject() where a beta version change is not widely supported in all browsers and may cause issues.
  129. v14.011.0 Post release bug fixes to validateField() to ensure this function can be used in XML function definitions reliably.
  130. v14.021.0 Rewrite exeJavascriptDirect() to use code already implemented in the XML Engine. Code snippets now execute as true JavaScript functions rather than eval() statements. More reliable execution with fewer errors due to better code compilation.
  131. v14.021.0 Enchanced snapObjectToCenter() to allow 4 more snap regions. Also added delay parameter.
  132. v14.021.0 Small bug fix to the PowerPac export engine wherein a progress bar was not updating properly. A cosmetic only fix.
  133. v14.021.0 Bug fixes to the page transition feature as implemented for IE11 browsers where if an editable field existed on page, the transition would fail and freeze the page. The only affected IE11 as all other browsers work fine.
  134. v14.022.0 Bug fix for snapObjectToCenter() to correct a problem where the default align parameter was not being assigned when function was run from an external JS or XML and align was not specifically set. This problem was never encountered when snapObjectToCenter() was run from within the Actions Editor.
  135. v14.022.1 Bug fix for XML Parser Engine to fix an issue with comments (//) in submitted code for use in exeJavascriptDirect(). In strange instances, comments would cause portions of code to fail to execute.
  136. v14.023.1 Bug fix for pgGotoURL() to fix a redirection issue when using the keyword "current' for the target parameter.
  137. v14.024.0 Bug fix for Google Chrome that affected visibility of first page transitions. Not sure which Google Chrome version first exhibited this problem.
  138. v14.026.1 Updated the Notepad3 editor included with the PowerPac. Now supports both 64 and 32 bit installations of the editor.
  139. v14.027.0 Bug fix for htmlVideoControl() to fix rare situation where this function could be called on a non-existent field or on an object which is not actually a video container.
  140. v14.027.0 Removed support for expandUp page transition as it does not work very well with Microsoft Edge.
  141. v14.030.0 Bug fix for createDraggableObject() to fix anamalies which occur when leaving a page using draggable objects and returning to the same page. It seems that this function failed to clean up a couple of variables during the navigation.
  142. v14.031.0 :P IMPORTANT FEATURE UPDATE: Added full touch support to ToolBook's internal catalog objects which enable draggable objects. PowerPac's createDraggableObject() is still more feature rich, but now the PowerPac fully supports legacy catalog objects or activities which use draggable objects.
  143. v14.032.2 Bug fix to ensure the zip package window is hidden during PowerPac resource processing. If the zip feature is clicked BEFORE the PowerPac finishes processing all resources, the resulting zip package will be truncated or corrupt.
  144. v14.033.0 Updated NotePad3 editor to v3.17.1124.693
  145. v14.033.1 Bug fix for a problem caused by release v14.031.0.
  146. v14.034.0 :P FEATURE UPDATE: Added ability to send "reset" [object] to pgTBObjSet(). Support was also added to the XML Engine so you can create "reset" functions for objects in your XML files.
  147. v14.034.1 Updated NotePad3 editior to v3.17.1210,729
  148. v14.035.3 Adjusted touch support for ToolBook drag objects. Merged code now used a 50ms delay to allow native ToolBook code to process first.
  149. v14.035.4 Adjusted LZW compression management during export to hopefully fix unusual situations where some anti-virus software would block the process.
  150. v14.035.4 Fixed a little problem with dragging buttons in IE8 (yeah IE8) using createDraggableObject(). The problem was not seen in any other browser and caused the button to stick to the mouse even after releasing it.
  151. v14.036.0 IMPORTANT BUG FIX for a problem introduced in v14.031+ wherein click events on ToolBook objects stopped working on some touch devices. Please update affected versions immediately.
  152. v14.037.0 Upgraded NotePad3 editor to version
  153. v14.050.0 Bug fix to createDraggableObject() to prevent draggable buttons from snapping back to their original positions during and/or after dragging.
  154. v14.050.0 Enhanced randomizeObjPositions() to allow anchorGrp to be set as the same as objFilterStr. This allows developers to use the target group as the basis for randomization based on the current position of the objects in the group.
    NOTE: This was intended to be added to the v15.x release but it seemed practical to included it in the v14.x branch of the PowerPac.
  155. v14.050.2 Updated NotePad3 editor to version
  156. v14.054.1 Updated the PowerPac to implement methods which may improve autoplay in Google Chrome. These changes are based on the latest autoplay policies released by Google for developers.
  157. v14.054.4 Compiler updated to v3.3.14.4.
  158. v14.054.4 Added 10ms delay for sending user event when audio ends. Affects pgSoundLoader().
  159. v14.055.3 Modify makePassword() to work with all functions and actions.
  160. v14.055.3 Added NEW parameter to makePassword() called reveal. This parameter can toggle the password mask by displaying entered text.
  161. v14.100.1 Modified content changes that are made when setting content to be non-cacheable.
  162. v14.100.1 Gzipping is performed on svg files when this export option is selected. This makes a large difference in loading large svg files.
  163. v14.100.1 NEW PowerPac menu item for Export options sub-menu called Remove unsupported browser page. This is a RECOMMENDED option as it makes content work a little better with various CDN (Content Delivery Network) settings. HTML5 browsers do not need the unsupported pages as the PowerPac will configure itself to load content in nearly every browser.
      Image 1.png
      Remove unsupported browser page menu item
      Image 1.png (25.44 KiB) Viewed 48480 times
  164. v14.101.0 PowerPac export engine now set to intelligently remove reference to the <frameset> tag in the main index.html file. This reference is only needed when using launch pages and is not required in any other circumstance. Removing the frameset tag improves content loading slightly.
  165. v14.102.0 Small bug fixes to the PowerPac XML Engine which affected loading table data and setting id's.
  166. v14.103.2 Fixed a small bug in the PowerPac Object Referencing Engine which affected finding table data.
  167. v14.103.2 Updated the XML table template included with the PowerPac.
  168. v14.104.0 Added NEW bounds property support to pgTBObjSet().
  169. v14.105.0 Updated Parameter Help API for pgTBObjSet() to provide instructions for usage of the NEW bounds property. Also updated instructions with addition usage details for size and position properties.
  170. v14.106.1 Added support in pgTBObjSet() to allow setting left, top, width, height, size, position, and bounds to the location of another object on the page. Parameter Help API updated as necessary.
  171. v14.107.0 Fixed a bug in userProperty() which caused the function to fail to set properties on embedded HTML elements in fields, etc. Not sure when this bug was introduced but it appears to be sometime in the early v13.2xx betas.
  172. v14.107.0 Optimized code related to the object referencing engine.
  173. v14.108.0 Fixed a rare bug in setWebFonts() which caused the function to bypass setting a webfont on an object whose name contained multiple underscore characters and whose name ended with a classname specification. (e.g.: An object named "productHD_1_cfmAstronbv" would fail to set the class name "cfmAstronbv" on the object.)
  174. v14.108.2 Added support to pgTBObjSet() for properties clickOnly and triggerOnly so they support XML objects.
  175. v14.109.0 Added support to snapObjectToCenter() to support entering snapToName as a string (or array) which defines a coordinate bounding box as "[x pos], [y pos], [width], [height]".
  176. v14.109.0 Upgraded NotePad3 to version 14.18.512.992 which contains lots of enhancements and bug fixes by the author. Adjusted the settings in the default ini file included with NotePad3.
  177. v14.120.1 Upgraded pgAnimateCSS() to include 16 additional animation styles. They are backInUp *, backInDown *, backInLeft *, backInRight *, backOutUp, backOutDown, backOutLeft, backOutRight, twistInUp *, twistInDown *, twistInLeft *, twistInRight *, twistOutUp, twistOutDown, twistOutLeft, twistOutRight.
  178. v14.120.1 Upgraded page transitions to use 8 of the 16 new animation styles. (See the list above where page transition approved styles are marked with an asterisk.)
  179. v14.120.1 Fix the font specified in the NotePad3 ini to use Consolas or Source Code Pro as these work better for coding purposes.
  180. v14.121.0 Fixed a bug in pgAnimateCSS(), pgStyleObject(), and stopStyleAnimation() which caused stopStyleAnimation() to fail to stop a looping animation started with pgStyleObject().
  181. v14.122.0 Fixed a bug in the XML Engine where custom functions written for some ToolBook objects would NOT correctly reveal "this.name" to the function. Instead, "this.name" would equal the unique ToolBook id associated with the object. While this did not cause problems in most situations, in a few instances this unexpected behavior could cause some custom functions to fail.
  182. v14.122.5 Fixed a bug in the ToolBook Export Engine which cause buttons which are disabled to have captions too light to read. ToolBook sets them to 25% and this has been revised to 45% and produces a much better cross-browser experience.
  183. v14.123.0 Fixed a bug in pgButtonHTML() which copied the opacity of disabled buttons to the style associated with the HTML button captions. This had a magnifying effect where the ToolBook default 25% opacity would become 6%! This made disabled captions nearly impossible to read. The fix now recognizes the new 45% default.
  184. v14.130.1 Added support to validateField() to work more flexibly with XML configurations of the keyup event. Previously, if useTB="true" was NOT used, then the validateField() function would only work if undocumented parameters were set. Now, the function works in virtually all conditions.
  185. v14.130.1 Improved compatibility with the HTML5 specification by removing/replacing JavaScript code which has been moved into the "obsolete" category.
  186. v14.132.0 Added NEW parameter to getRandomNumber() called padVal. This parameter permits padding the random number generated with zeroes or with any single character or string of characters.
  187. v14.133.0 Modified validation routine in validateEmail() to more fully comply with current Internet standards.
  188. v14.134.0 Enhanced validateField() to accept the keywork "email" for the extraCharsAllowed parameter. This automatically filters a field to accept input that is considered acceptable by curent Internet standards for email addresses. Use validateEmail() to finally check the email entered against other rules for email addresses.
  189. v14.134.1 Updated Parameter Help for validatedField().
  190. v14.134.1 Updated to latest InnoSetup compiler v5.6.1.
  191. v14.135.0 PowerPac export engine enhanced to remove all references to the <font ...> </font> tag and replace them with <span ...> </span> tags. HTML5 specifications have placed the <font> tag into obsolete status. ToolBook exports no longer will contain these obsolete tag references.
  192. v14.136.0 Added focus() method to subModal() to attempt to give focus to the newly opened dialog window.
  193. v14.136.2 Minor bug fixes to buildComboBoxOptionsList().
  194. v14.137.1 Bug fix to setComboBoxOption() to correct unexpected return when a multi-select list box has no selections. Function now returns an empty string instead of a zero length array.
  195. v14.138.0 Bug fix to pgStyleObject() where styling was not accepted when executed on <select> tags or comboBoxes.
  196. v14.139.0 Bug fix to changeObjectLayer() where it would fail to work properly with XML objects created with the make tag.
  197. v14.139.1 Bug fix to pgCurrentTime() where the function would fail to set its documented default parameter setting when a null value is encountered. It appears this only exhibited itself when running this function from an XML or external JavaScript file.
  198. v14.139.2 Bug fix to pgAnimateCSS() where user events would not fire if the function was called again on the same object immediately on user event.
  199. v14.140.2 Enhancements to the XML engine to better support top-level and nested <make> elements. To add HTML content to an XML <make> element you can now use either a <htmlText> </htmlText> section, OR you can simply use an <html> </html> section. The engine will interpret either tag name as identical.
  200. v14.141.1 Bug fixes to pgStyleObject() to correct anomalies that occurred when attempting to style ToolBook graphic objects.
  201. v14.141.2 Added user-select to the supported styles in pgStyleObject().
  202. v14.142.1 Bug fix to an internal PowerPac function pg_PreventSelect(). This fix may help prevent unwanted selection of objects during drag operations.
  203. v14.143.2 Bug fix to PowerPac's HTML 5 styling engine to correct a sizing problem with bordered fields placed on the page background. Successive page loads using the same background would cause these fields to grow incrementally. Unbordered fields and graphics did not exhibit this problem.
PowerPac functions supported for use with XML objects created with the <make> tag:
  1. browserExitWarning()
  2. buildComboBoxOptionsList() ——> (fully supported; specify XML <make type="select" ...> ... </make>)
  3. caretPosition() ——> (fully supported; specify XML <make type="textarea" ...> ... </make>)
  4. changeObjectLayer()
  5. checkBrowserWindowSize()
  6. checkNavigablePage()
  7. checkPageHistory()
  8. createAbsolutePath()
  9. createAlphaShadow()
  10. createCookie()
  11. createDraggableObject()
  12. createFoldingObj()
  13. createStyledButton() ——> (fully supported v13.140.3; can also use XML <make> object and set type="button")
  14. createTopicAccordion()
  15. createTreeMenu()
  16. encodeURIComponent()
  17. eraseCookie()
  18. exeJavascriptDirect()
  19. fadeObject()
  20. flashObject()
  21. getCommandLineParam()
  22. getGroupObjects() ——> (gets child elements of XML <make> objects)
  23. getHTMLContent()
  24. getItemFromStack()
  25. getPageCount()
  26. getPageNameFromNum()
  27. getPageNameList()
  28. getPageNumFromName()
  29. getPageUnitsPerPixel()
  30. getPersistentBookmark()
  31. getRamdomNumber()
  32. gotoNextPage()
  33. gotoPage()
  34. gotoPageInHistory()
  35. gotoPreviousPage()
  36. gotoRandomPage()
  37. hideScrollBars()
  38. htmlVideoControl()
  39. htmlVideoLoader()
  40. htmlVideoStyles()
  41. makePassword() ——> (fully supported v14.055.3)
  42. mergeTBObjects() ——> (not supported for XML <make> objects; targets only ToolBook objects)
  43. onFirstIdle()
  44. pgAdjustColor()
  45. pgAnimate()
  46. pgAnimateCSS()
  47. pgArrayToString()
  48. pgButtonHTML() ——> (not supported for XML <make> objects; targets only ToolBook buttons)
  49. pgColorPicker() ——> (fully supported v13.121.4)
  50. pgCopyStyles()
  51. pgCurrentTime()
  52. pgDateCalc()
  53. pgDateFormat()
  54. pgExecuteRemote()
  55. pgExtFiles()
  56. pgFlash_ExternalInterface()
  57. pgFormatNumber()
  58. pgFormData() ——> (fully supported v13.126.0)
  59. pgFormLoader() ——> (fully supported v13.125.0)
  60. pgGetMousePosition() ——> (fully supported v13.119.1)
  61. pgGetStyle()
  62. pgGotoURL()
  63. pgLoadFlashControls() ——> (fully supported v13.118.1)
  64. pgLoadFlashMovie() ——> (fully supported v13.118.1)
  65. pgLoadFlashStream() ——> (fully supported v13.118.1)
  66. pgProgressBar()
  67. pgReplace()
  68. pgSetFlashPlayState() ——> (fully supported v13.118.1)
  69. pgSetFlashVariable() ——> (depreciated function removed from the PowerPac)
  70. pgSetTableDataCell() ——> (fully supported v13.112.0)
  71. pgSlideShow()
  72. pgSort_Shuffle()
  73. pgSoundControl() ——> (fully supported v13.035.2)
  74. pgSoundLoader() ——> (fully supported v13.035.2)
  75. pgSplitToArray()
  76. pgStopFlashMovie() ——> (fully supported v13.118.1)
  77. pgStringEncrypt()
  78. pgStyleObject()
  79. pgTBgetObjects()
  80. pgTBObjGet()
  81. pgTBObjSet()
  82. pgTimer()
  83. pgTooltip() ——> (not supported for XML <make> objects; targets only ToolBook objects)
  84. pgUnloadFlashMovie()
  85. randomizeObjPositions() ——> (fully supported v13.119.2)
  86. readCookie()
  87. setAccordionTopic()
  88. setBrowserWindowStyles()
  89. setCalendar() ——> (fully supported v13.114.1)
  90. setComboBoxOption()
  91. setHotwordStyle()
  92. setHotwordText()
  93. setHTMLContent()
  94. setHTMLTable() ——> (fully supported v13.112.0)
  95. setModalReturnVal()
  96. setOpacity()
  97. setPageContentPosition()
  98. setPersistentBookmark()
  99. setScroll()
  100. setSkipNavigation()
  101. setStyledButtonCaption() ——> (fully supported v13.140.3)
  102. setStyledButtonState() ——> (fully supported v13.140.3)
  103. setTreeMenu()
  104. setWebFonts() ——> (fully supported v13.124.0)
  105. snapObjectToCenter() ——> (fully supported v13.031.5)
  106. stopStyleAnimation()
  107. subModal()
  108. userProperty()
  109. validateEmail()
  110. validateField() ——> (fully supported v13.061.0); (support improved v14.011.0)
  111. XMLHttpRequest()

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