PowerPac v12.916.5 (Min Recommended Version)

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PowerPac v12.916.5 (Min Recommended Version)

Postby Clifton » Tue Aug 18, 2015 8:29 pm

NEW FEATURE RELEASE: (v12.733-916)
  1. PowerPac Menu re-organized with new menu items.
  2. Export options ... menu item added.
  3. LZW JavaScript code compression reduces load time and bandwidth usage by up to 60%! The PowerPac compresses core files AND the JavaScript files generated by ToolBook as well.
  4. PowerPac code caching noticeably improves the overall authoring experience.
  5. Browser forward and back buttons enabled to work with ToolBook exported content. (Option can be enabled/disabled depending on purpose of content. Content targeted for LMS systems are best left with this feature turned off.)
  6. Exported browser folders can be optionally renamed to more generic names. (ff, ie, chm).
  7. If non-index.html files are referenced directly in a browser address bar, the content is automatically reloaded to index.html in the correct folder location for the browser which attempted the load request.
  8. Added JavaScript post messaging capability to pgExecuteRemote() to enable cross-domain data exchange between web pages.
  9. v12.720: Added additional support functions to com_link.js. Each of these functions are PowerPac ported functions for use in non-ToolBook HTML pages that must communicate with ToolBook content in a parent window.
  10. v12.760: Added author mode enhancement to automatically resize the parameter box to fit the selected PowerPac function. This is a very beneficial time saver when setting up PowerPac functions. Also includes miscellaneous minor bug fixes in the authoring sbk.
    Auto-sizing parameter box
    Graphic1.PNG (144.4 KiB) Viewed 49106 times
  11. v12.760: Added PGSD_PowerPac_com_link.js to the files added to the book folder of PowerPac-enabled books. This file is useful when setting up external pages to use pgExecuteRemote() to communicate.
    New functions include:
    1. setModalReturnVal()
    2. createCookie()
    3. readCookie()
    4. eraseCookie()
  12. v12.768: Added menu event triggers in the authoring sbk.
  13. v12.768: Added warning alert if developer attempts to disable the dynamic parameter help feature. Disabling this is NOT recommended since it provides comprehensive details that help ensure success when entering function parameters.
  14. v12.771: Added new parameter called notifyOnLoad to setWebFonts(). This enables the function to send a user event to any object AFTER all web fonts have loaded AND the object dependencies have been set.
  15. v12.776: Added additional function support to XML parser for full ToolBook page configuration.
  16. v12.862.1: Enhancements to XML Parser; added NEW <make> tag for dynamically creating objects.
    See this post for information and examples: http://www.pgsoftwaretools.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=200
  17. v12.862.1: htmlVideoLoader() enhanced to recognize level 0 (top level) objects for true full screen video playback.
  18. v12.862.1: pgTBObjSet() enhanced to be able to send events to level 0 (top level) objects created with the new XML <make> tag.
  19. v12.870: Enhanced mobile device support.
  20. v12.876: Enhanced getCommandLineParam() to permit querying several parameters at once and returning an array of results.
  21. v12.900: Officially supports touch devices in all major browsers. Drag 'n drop using createDraggableObject() should work on all touch devices and touch-aware browsers.
Miscellaneous bug fixes (minor).

Help file clarifications for function usage and return values.

v12.682: Added auto update checking.
v12.682: Minor tweaks to the forward/back window history tracking function.
v12.683: Bug fix to htmlVideoLoader() to fix inability to load YouTube videos located on https (secure) YouTube servers.
v12.684: Fixed fullscreen/browser switching issue with htmlVideoLoader() when the background element is pre-styled using pgStyleObject().
v12.703: Added JavaScript postMessage capability to pgExecuteRemote() to enable cross-domain communication between web pages.
v12.703: setBrowserWindowStyles() and setPageContentPosition() and pgStyleObject(): Improved page transparency settings based on parameter values.
v12.703: Bug fix to ToolBook v11.5 Patch 4 which prevents loading content in Microsoft Edge browser and throwing the "unsupported browser" warning page. The PowerPac fully supports this browser and its media players work fine with it.
    Notes regarding v11.5 and Patch 4:
    1. Please avoid using ToolBook's UMP or other media players from the object catalog as they require special plugins and are not cross-browser/device compatible.
    2. We also recommend NOT installing Patch 4; but if you have, this release of the PowerPac will restore the previous functionality which retains any other author-level fixes provided by the Patch.
    3. There is NO NEED to uninstall Patch 4 as long as you use the PowerPac v12.703 or greater.
v12.708: Additional improvements to postMessage enhancements added in v12.703.
v12.708: Bug fix to rare registration/licensing issue.
v12.709: Popup help clarifications.
v12.712: Additional postMessage support added to pgExecuteRemote() and the accessory com_link.js file.
v12.719: Enhancements to setBrowserWindowStyles() and setPageContentPosition() to allow the styling of the background page object.
v12.719: Small bug fix to the new range slider plugin for htmlVideoLoader() which seems to only appear in the new Microsoft Edge browser.
v12.732: Fixed postMessage API bugs in pgExecuteRemote() and com_link.js. Examples will be posted on forum soon.
v12.732: Included com_link.js as book level file for linking to external HTML pages.
v12.732: Fixed LZW compression problem on Windows XP with IE8 which can stall the export waiting for user input.
v12.734: Bug fix in pgExecuteRemote() function as used in com_link.js
    See this cross-domain example which shows the simple exchange of data between a parent ToolBook page and a separate non-ToolBook page which resides on a different domain. This also works if both pages are ToolBook content pages (PowerPac-enabled): http://www.pgsoftwaretools.com/powerpac/assessments/xdomain
v12.761: Forgot to compiled an updated file in the v12.760 release.
v12.768: Corrected a parameter name in pgLoadFlashStream(). This fix was cosmetic only and avoids confusion with the help documentation.
v12.768.1: (Authoring mode) Fixed possible problem when supporting ToolBook v8.9-v9.5 with auto-resizing parameter box feature.
v12.768.3: Modified PowerPac's HTML 5/CSS3 stylesheet to improve situations where height is set to auto.
v12.769: Bug fix to setHTMLContent(). When convertCRLF is set to true, the function would often insert line break <br> tags at the beginning and end of the HTML code. This fix handles carriage returns much better.
v12.772.2: Bug fix to setWebFonts() to permit running function multiple times using separate stylesheet references. Previously, the function could only be run back to back (or multiple times) if all web fonts were referenced in a single stylesheet (most common).
    Click on the example below to see a ToolBook page where setWebFonts() is run back to back on load page while at the same time loading over 12 web fonts including one via Google Fonts. The example also uses the new function parameter which provides object notification when all font references have been loaded and dependencies set.
v12.776: Bug fixes to XML parser and to XMLHttpRequest() function when loadXMLPage and notifyObject are both set. Previously, if notifyObject was set, then the XML page data would never be loaded.
v12.862.1: Bug fix for openScript system property sysSuspend always set to false.
v12.862.1: Bug fixes to PowerPac author menu system.
v12.862.1: Updated installer to InnoSetup v5.5.7
v12.862.1: Minor bug fixes to setPageContentPosition() to better handle browser resize notifications.
v12.862.1: Minor tweaks and code optimizations.
v12.862.2: Bug fixes related to IE8 support for pgGotoURL() and setPageContentPosition(). Content transparency was not maintained and iframe content would sometimes resize unexpectedly on IE8 only.
v12.862.3: Bug fix to allowFlashFallback parameter in htmlVideoLoader(). When set to "auto" the behavior was not as expected.
v12.862.4: Bug fix related to IE8 when specifying command line parameters with setBrowserWindowStyles() and at the same time attempting to load an XML file. This is a very rare condition.
v12.862.5: Code optimizations and modified CSS stylesheets to simplify page transparency support.
v12.862.5: Made "Loading...please wait" message more cross-browser consistent.
v12.862.8: Fixed XML engine bug that affected some fields loading with their sizes off by 2 pixels.
v12.864: Fixed XML engine bug to ensure page styling and setPagContentPosition() work when called in any order. Previously, you had to style the page before running setPageContentPosition() or anomalies would occur (especially with page transparency).
v12.864.3: Fixed a bug that affected FLV playback with htmlVideoLoader() from a previous update.
v12.874: Update PowerPac SoundManager 2 engine to v2.97a.20150601.
v12.874: Enhanced file loading support for non-ToolBook content for js and css files using pgExtFiles().
v12.874.1: IMPORTANT: Bug fix for v12.874 where sound engine could not find url of Flash fallback for IE browsers.
v12.875: Bug fix applied to setWebFonts() where searching for default font-family in CSS definitions would sometimes fail.
v12.876.6: Bug fixes to pgFormatNumber() to correct problem where decimal places > 2 would be truncated or replaced with zeroes.
v12.877.4: Bug fixes to subModal() affecting situations where the dialog box is dragged outside the browser window area when, at the same time, browser window styles are in use using setBrowserWindowStyles().
v12.878: Bug fix to htmlVideoLoader() to fix a problem playing YouTube videos. This bug was apparently introduced in a previous release.
v12.878.2: Improved HTML 5 Video and Flash fallback detection for htmlVideoLoader().
v12.878.4: Updated LZW JavaScript compression engine.
v12.878.4: Fixed a bug that caused occasional video clipping when playing video in full browser window. This only seemed to occur in the latest versions of Chrome and only when the window was resized during playback.
v12.880.5: Fixed a PowerPac engine bug that caused an occasional system suspend error when two books are loaded and the developer cuts and pastes Action Editor code from one to the other.
v12.891.5: Minor bug fixes and code optimizations. Added additional touch device support (experimental).
v12.892.1: Fixed bug in createDraggableObject() which affected dragging fields in IE when the mouse pointer left the ToolBook page.
v12.892.3: Enhanced export engine to ensure xml_parser.js gets loaded earlier in the book load process. This ensures XML-related functions are available at book load level.
v12.901: Code optimizations for subModal() dialog box movement on touch devices.
v12.902: Bug fix to browserExitWarning() to support latest Firefox security model.
v12.904: Bug fix to pgToolTip() to support new code for touch devices.
v12.904.1: Bug fix to PowerPac authoring engine (sbk) to prevent uncommon error when attempting to set a variable using the Actions Editor.
v12.906: Bug fixes to htmlVideoStyles() to permit sequential execution immediately following an action call to htmlVideoLoader().
v12.910.1: Added NEW parameter to pgTBObjGet() called colorAsHex. Setting this to true forces the function to return color get values as HTML hex values. Otherwise the function will correctly return rgb values as "r,g,b".
v12.910.2: Enhanced pgStyleObject() to provide better support for box shadow effects on image graphics when a border radius effect is used at the same time.
v12.911: Authoring System (sbk): Greatly enhanced the dynamic resizing of the parameter box to show all parameters for each function. Also works when editing sharedActions too.
v12.915: Bug fix to PowerPac's export engine to fix an issue where if renaming folders option was set AND any LMS was chosen, the imsmanifest.xml was not correctly updated for to reflect the file locations for the renamed folders.
v12.916.1: Minor bug fixes to the PowerPac authoring sbk.
v12.916.2: Added additional type casting of variables to pgExecuteRemote().
v12.916.5: Bug fix: Added missing viewport <meta . . .> tag to exports for ToolBook v8.9 and v9.01.

Click here to download the installation file for this release.
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