PowerPac v12.051 Released

Announcements of new releases, function enhancements and bug fixes.

PowerPac v12.051 Released

Postby Clifton » Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:17 pm

NOTE: All users are encouraged to upgrade to this version of the PowerPac to maintain browser/device compatibility for your ToolBook content. If you previously upgraded to v12.050, then run your upgrade again to this version as it fixes a compatibility issue with the Sound Manager 2 plugin.

Changes since v12.02:
  1. Updated Sound Manager 2 (provided by third party author Scott Schiller) to version 20140901. Reportedly this fixes some compatibility issues with iOS 8 on Apple devices/systems. This plugin is managed by pgSoundLoader() and pgSoundControl().
  2. Additional code optimizations. Some PowerPac libraries only load when specifically needed, instead of when the book is launched. This enhances book load time.
  3. IE 11+ Support Improvements
    Previous versions of the PowerPac forced IE 11 into IE 10 compatibility mode to allow loading Active X controls for Flash support.
    PowerPac now loads all controls using accepted HTML 5 tags to allow ToolBook content to run in IE 11+ full document standards mode.
    Some movies/controls may actually play better with these enhancements.
  4. PowerPac Engine Enhancements for Touch Device Support
    Added corresponding events on touch devices to support mouse down, up, and move events.
  5. Minor bug fixes for non-obfuscated exported content
    ToolBook/PowerPac exports prefer obfuscated code. However, unobfuscated code is fully supported and these bug fixes correct anomalies that affect the use of pgStyleObject() and pgButtonHTML() when the code is unobfuscated. Normal obfuscated code exports are unaffected by these fixes.
  6. Changed pgStringEncrypt()
    If an empty or invalid value is submitted for encryption, the function now returns and empty string instead of throwing and error.
    Function automatically performs numeric to string conversions to prevent unexpected results.
  7. PowerPac Export Engine Enhancement
    All PowerPac JS files are now optimized into a single volume in the exported content. This reduces HTTP requests during book load and effectively eliminates errors caused by server latency conditions.
  8. DHTML Export Tree Manager Enhancements
    Added GUI control for turning on/off PowerPac JS file optimization.
    Added GUI control for specifying a shared folder to put the PowerPac JS files. Using a shared folder can substantially reduce bandwidth and improve book loading as only a single HTTP request needs to be made to put the PowerPac into the browser cache for future usage.
    A forum topic has been created regarding how to use this NEW feature:
    CLICK HERE to go to the forum topic.
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