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fadeObject() bug?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 4:31 pm
by PetrH
Hi there!

For the past several projects I've used the fadeObject function to fade in all the visible objects on each page. It has worked great up till the point when I updated to the current release of the powerpac sometime in the past few days.

It has taken me several hours to narrow down the apparent cause of my problem. The most apparent problems is on my sub-menu pages where I have a series of buttons. Each button has a simple caption with a fontsize set to 18. All looks fine in the authoring environment but once published any font characteristics applied during authoring are ignored. In fact, it looks like the captions are using whatever default font the browser is set to use.

To come to the conclusion this was being cased by the fadeobject function I simply disable the fadeobject call and after publishing everything looks as expected with the fontface and fontsize I applied.

I have tried a number of things including eliminating the group and creating a new group with the fadeobject function re-applied. While the fade works fine, any objects with an applied font default to some base font face and size I didn't expect.

At this moment, my only option is to comment out the call to the function and publish without the fade effect. Obviously, that isn't the desired outcome... so I am hoping to resolve this error soon.

Anyone have any suggestions?


Re: fadeObject() bug?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 4:44 pm
by Clifton
I've confirmed the bug you have reported and it has been fixed in the latest version on the site ( v12.101).
Those who are experiencing a problem similar to the one reported should upgrade to the latest version to correct the anomaly.